
0416-3880061 0416-3880052
HSG(High-voltage starter generator)

HSG(High-voltage starter generator)
318V 8KW
–High performance permanent magnet, long life, coolant cooling, high efficiency, small volume.
–It has the advantages of short starting time, low noise and improving the riding comfort of drivers and passengers.
–After the engine starts, it automatically switches to the generator mode for power generation.

–Electric power status, to achieve the engine low speed auxiliary torque output, save fuel.

–High performance permanent magnet, long life, coolant cooling, high efficiency, small volume.
–It has the advantages of short starting time, low noise and improving the riding comfort of drivers and passengers.
–After the engine starts, it automatically switches to the generator mode for power generation.
–Electric power status, to achieve the engine low speed auxiliary torque output, save fuel.